
credit worthy adj.(資產殷實)可給予〔擴大〕信貸的。


From a social perspective , credibility can help lower business costs as the party that is unable to obtain enough information will not be hurt if other involved parties are credit worthy 誠信能夠促進博弈中合作解的出現。能夠節約交易成本,克服信息不對稱而給交易帶來的不利,是一種交易的潤滑劑。

More expensive money is better than no money at all , particularly for those who are credit worthy but are somehow , perhaps for no good reason , prevented from borrowing 對于信貸狀況良好,但卻無緣無故地被拒絕提供貸款的企業來說,支付較高利息,總比借不到錢好。

How to check that your customers are credit worthy and how to maintain a good credit control system 怎樣了解你的客戶信譽度以及如何保持好的信譽控制體系。